Another Day: Another Day

When men started talking,
They talked about the trees.
How they swayed like men,
How they whispered in the wind.

When men started talking,
They talked about the wind.
How it glides through rough lands,
How it brings coolness to men.

When men started talking,
They talked about the seas.
How they send men away,
And see not their return.

When men started talking,
They talked about the stars.
How brightly they lit,
How they brought men back to earth.

When we started talking,
We talked about our destiny.
How far it can bring us,
How testing to our limits it can be.

When we started talking,
We talked about our future.
How it can shape our careers,
How profitable it can be of having a bright one.

When we started talking,
We talked about our mid life.
How crisis would take over,
How steadily can we conquer it.

When we started talking,
We talked about death.
How permanently we would be removed from Earth,
How deep shall we be buried under.

But we never talk about parting.
Nor forgetting.
Nor splitting.
Nor singling.

When we started talking,
We knew we would stop.
To start doing,
To start moving.

When we start moving,
We will know we would stop.
To start stopping,
To stop continuing.

But I don't know when to stop this friendship.
But I don't know when to start my own life.
But I don't know when to say goodbye.
But I don't know when will I say "Hey, its been a while!"

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